Social Mobilisation

To support the formation and strengthening of democratic collective structures among farm workers, dwellers and small-scale farmers to advance an emancipatory agrarian transformation agenda.


Programme Objective

The Programme focuses on three aspects. 

These are supporting:

Farm workers, dwellers and small-scale farmers to form democratic local formations or collectives.

Established and newly formed collectives to sustain and strengthen their organisational capacity.

Building solidarity and networks of the collectives within and outside of the province.

Key results achieved to date include:

The moblisiation of farm workers and dwellers on 65 commercial farms into farm committtes. The farm committtees in the same geograhical area work together to form area committees. To date 10 area commmittees have been established in the following areas: Carlisle Bridge; Committees Drift; Fort Brown and Douglas Heights; Nanaga/Paterson; Zuney; Grootvlei/Belcrest; Bedford; Fort Beaufort; Adelaide and Addo/Kirkwood.


 As of December 2012, 2119 farm workers and dwellers (781 women, 703 men and 635 children under the age of 15) were working with ECARP to improve living and working conditions on farms.

ECARP is working with 245 farmers (117 men and 128 women) across 12 farming projects  and 191 of these farmers are making use of various agro-ecological farming practices.


 Farm workers, farm dweller and small-scale farmers have formed a social movement called Phakamani Siyepambhili. Phakamani Siyephambili is a non-partisan, non-sexist movement that brings together farm workers, farm dwellers and small-scale farmers in and around the districts of Cacadu and Amathole.


Get In Touch

(046) 622-5429

(046) 622-2617

4 Trollope Street, Grahamstown

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